Baxter - BV669 B3 1681

( 68 ) And fo much as a juft confutation ofBithop Downame, not as referring to other menwith whom he dealt, but to thecaufe which wehave in hand. And that I anfwer not thewhole Book, is becaufe I know of no more in it thanwhat I have culledout, which needeth an anfwer as to the caufe which. I defend : Of which I make the judiciousReader Judge. Bïf z. mil. 6. Bithop Ha11's Defence of Epifcopacy meddleth fo little with the point now inQueftign, that I have no need to fay any thing to it, more than is already Paid. Andhe granteth all that i delire. Petarvio,, '7- As for Petavias, I need not confute him; for he granteth . me molt, as tomatter of Fait, that I delire, as 1 (hall after further thew. His Fun. datñental Aflertion is, That the two Offices of Bilbops and Presbyters, were both placed in the fame perfon, in the Apoltles days; at which Sal - mafaas juftly laugheth : For what is that but to fay, that then there was no filch perfonas a Subject Presbyter (much lefs as our half -Presbyters:) And Salmaftus juftly congratulateth his conceflion, [that folo confenfa hominam & vitandifshifinatisgratia, anus enumero Epifcoporum, eorundemq; Presby- terorum , eleí'lus e(1 qui praeffet ceteris: tied nemo dici prohibet Nam etfi .Epifeopalis ordo jure divino introduitus eft, non mien, tarnen illa jure de. cretum e/), ut sinus in fingulis civitatibus Ecclefsis, effet Epifeopus, fed Ecclefia authoritate conciliorumque fanttionibus. viz. [It was only by Mans content and for the avoidingof Schifm, that one waschofen out of the number of Bijhopsy who alto were Presbyters, to he above the tejl: This Paying none for - biddeth. For though the Epifcopal Order was introduced by Divine Right, yet was it not by the fame right decreed, that One fhould be a Bijhop in eachCity andChurch, but bythe authority of the Church andthe fanflions ofCouncils. Of this fober yefuit more anon. Bih.Ru- 8. TheLearned BilhopAndrews in his Epiftles to Pet. Molinaus, hath aroros. Paid fomewhat; but in hisScheme (Printed at Oxford, 1641. before the Treatifes for Epifcopacy) muchmore. But as to his Defcription of the 7ewifh Form, we dare not thence gather that Chriftiansmay imitate them, while we know that the ceffation of the yewijh Policy and Law is fo large. ly pleaded for by Paul, and that Chrift is theperfeEt Lawgiver to his Church, and that we molt notadd or alter on pretence of fuppofed pa- rity of reafon. And as tohis Reafons for Diocefanes from the New Tee ftament, though thewell ordering of them make them very taking, yet when examined, theyare no other but what we have found and aufwered inothers. Btifner, 9.; The truly Learned, Reverend, and Godly Primate Vfher, in the fame forementioned Collection of Treatifes bath one of the Original of Bill-lops andMetropolitans, and anotherof the Proconfular Afa But, r. The utmost which he pleadeth for is no more than we acquiefce in,has