that it was his Model or Redetion (publifhed fineeby Dr. Barnard) which we humbly offered to his Majefty as themeansof our common concord. And hehath himfelftold me his Judgment,thatBifhops andPresbytersdiffer not as two Orders, but in Degree; And that Ordinis eft Ordinare, or that he that hath the Order bath intrinfical power to Ordain ; thoughhe is re- gularly todoit under the Bithops overfight ; And therefore it isnot inva- lid and null, but only irregular or fchifmatical, when it is done difobedi- ently againft the Bithop (and fo may be difabled in fore exteriore;) which Dr. Bernard anhath publithedof him ; and Dr. Mafon in the fame Trea- tife fullier proveth. And he took Presbyters to be Governoursof the Flocks; and the Synods of Bithops to be but for Concord, and not to have a roper Governing power over the particular Bifhops, as- he bath himfelfpexpreffedto me. Him therefore that is for us, weneed not confute. And yet I muff confefs, that the great Argument which he and Bithop An- drews, andSaravia, and all others ufe, from thetitle ofAngel givento the Bithops, Rev. 2. and 3. did never feemof any weight to me ; nor moved my underftanding that way at all : Believing that Tyconius hisold Expofiti- on mentioned by Auftin f is liker tobe true, andthat indeed, it is neither fLii.3.": one Prelate nor all the Clergy, but the whole Churches that is meant by.the, f nde Del Angel of the Churches. :it For the Prophecy comingby Vifion, the word [Angel] is mentioned in the Vifion phrafe, andoft in that book is by all confeffed to fignifie col_ le&ive Bodies, and more than tingle Individuals : AsOther (deBabilone) feemeth to himfelf holdeth, thatby [thefalfe Prophet] inthe fngular number, is meant approve: the Roman Clergy. It would be more tedious than neceff'ary to- recite the inftances in that Book. I thereforewho,becaufe of itsobfcurity, amapt to - be diftruftful of almoft all Arguments that are fetcht from the darkPro- phecies of Daniel, or theRevelations, am little fatisfied with this from the name Angel. And who can believe them that fay Timothy was then the Bithopof Ephefus, and fo excellent a perfon, as that none was likg minded; as defcribed by Paul ; and yet that Chrift had this againft him, that he had loft his firft love, and mutt remember from whence he is fallen and re- pent, and do his firft works or be rejefted, Rev. z. 4, 5. And ina word, , that the Apoftles, who placed holy perlons in the Miniftry, had let fuch o- ver thole eminent Churches, as were neitherhot nor cold, and had the reft of the faults that are mentionedby Chrift. And the whole ftyle of the Text doth eafily prove this Expofition againft theirs, Rev. 2. z, 4 7. As the praifes and difpraifes there feem to referr to the whole Church , fo v. 7. what can be more exprefs than [Hear what the Spiritfaithunto the Churches.] And v. so. Behold the Devilfhall calf tome ofyou into prifon, that ye may be tryed, and ye Pall have tribulation ten days : be thoufaithful, &c. And again, o. i t. He that loath an ear, let himhear what the Spirit faithunto the Churches] which is repeated and fpoken to every one of the liven. v. 14, 15. It is likerto be the whole Society than the Bithop that is reproved for having falfeTeachers and Hereticks among them, and are called quick- ly