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(74) is given them by the Soveraign. 5. That they know their power to be mutable, as being not by Gods,command, but fromman. And Chap, I 1. §. S. He delivereth his opinion of the. OriginalofEpif- copacy, that it was'not fftchtfrom the Temple patternfo much as from the Synagogues,) where as he Paid before, every Synagogue had a chiefRuler.) 14. As for y. D. and many other lelfer Writers, (Sir Thomas .Afton,, n &c. &c.) who faybut halfthe fame with thofe forerentioned, it is not worth your time and labour to readany more Animadverfionson them. t5. But the great Learned M. Ant. de .Dominis Spalatenfis deferveth a M. Ant. de more diftinct confideration who in his very learned Books DeRepub. Ec- D°m spy- clef doth copioufly handle all the matter of Church-Government. But la:enfu, let us confider what it is that he maintaineth. In his 1áb. g. c.r. hemain_ taineth that [the whole proper Ecclefiáftical Power is meerly Spiritual. In cap. z. that no Power with true Prefetiure, YureJ'd lion, Coat-lion and Domi- nation betongeth to the Church. In c.` ;. he Iheweth that an improper Jurif diftion belongs to it. Where he overthroweth the oldSchoolmens De- fcription of Power of 7urifdiElion, and fhewethalto thevanity of the com- mon diftinetionof Power ofOrder and of Jurifdiftion; and maintaineth, . r. that Power of Jurifdiltion followeth, ab Ordine, as Light from the Sun : z. That all the. Power of the Keys which is exercifed for Internal effels, althoughabout External Matters, (of Worfbip or Government) belongeth direftly to the PatellasOrdinis ;. That the Power of furifdiEïi- on as difiinét from Order, and the Bill-lops, is but the power a- bout the Ordering of External, things, which is tired Principally and Direafy for an External Effect; (that is Church order.) 4. 5. p. ;5. 4. That it is foolifh to feparate power of Order from any power ofJurifdidtioa .vhatfoeSer, that is properly Ecciefiafticál, it being wholly. Spiritual. The Epifcopaljurifdietion (riot properlyEcclefiatheal) he niaketh to con- sìp in ordering Rites and Ceremonies and Circumftances, andTemporals. about the Church, and about fuch Modal Determinations about particular perlons and aétions as are mattersof humane prudence, (which have on- ly a General Rule inNature or Scripture. 6. By which (though he'hold. Epifcopacy 7tsre Divino) that iris but fuch things that he luppofeth pro- per to the Bishop (which the Magiftrate may determine and make Laws for, asGrotius and othersprove at fait, and himíèlfafter and as Sir Ro- er Treifden bathHiftorically proved to have been ufed by the Kings of England, Hiller. Def. Cap. g. 7. That all Ecclefiafical power wharfoeveris frilly and perfeElly conjunfi with Order. page 36. 8. That this plenitude of power is totallyand equally in allBiJhopi and Presbyters lawfully Ordained :. and that it is a racer vanity to dáflinguifh in fuchpower of Order, P-lenitudinem pote- fatis d parte filicitudinis. y. That this equal power of the Bishop and Presbyter floweth from Ordinatiòn ;; and is the Effential Ordinary Minifle- rialpower. io. Thatthis vain feparating powerof Order and.Jurifdietion is