Alms great averfnefs to cofily or troublefome you might loon fee an unanimous concurrence in the work, and confequently a great alteration in the Churches. 5. And whence is it but from felfifhnefs that plain and dole Application in our Sermons is taken to be an injury to thole that think themfelves concerned in it ? If a Minifier will (peak alike to all, and take heed ofmedling with their fores, they will patiently hear him : but if he make them know that he meaneth them in particular, and deal clofely with them about their mile- rable !late or againfl any fpecial difgraceful fin, they fal a railing at him, and reproaching him bchind his back, and perhaps they will fay ,They'ie hear himno more. 0 faith the fe/Pungodly wretch, [ I know he meant me to dap had he no body but me to (peakagainfi?] As if a lickman fliould be angry with the Phyfiti- an,for giving direftions and medicines to him in particular, and fay, [ Had he no body togive Phylick,to but me ? Were there net Fick men enough in the Town befide me ?] When Chrift told the Delpifers of Ede Goipel of the certain and dreadful deflrueti- on that was neer them, Mat. 21. 41, 44, 45 its laid that [ When thechief Priefis and Tharifeet had heard his Parables , they perceived that he fpake of them ! ( A haynous bufinefs) and therefore they fought to lay hands on him,but that they elstrfl not do it for fear of the multitude. 6. Nay let a Minifter preach but any Inch doe:trine as teems confequentially to be againfl Self ' and to conclude hardly of them, and they are ready to fay as Ahab of Micaiah [ I hate him ; for he prophecyeth not goodof me,but evil,1 1 Kings zz.8. Let us but tell them how few will be faved ; what holinefs and firiving and diligence is neceffary though we have the exprefs word of God for it, I--/eh. 12.14. Mat.7.13,14. Luke 13.24. 2 Pet. Y. io. yet becaufe they think that it makes againfl their carnal] peace. they cannot abide it : Plain truth is unwelcome to them, becaufe it is rough,and grates upon the quick, and tells them of that which is troublefome to know : Though they muff know their fin anddanger and mifery,or cafe they can never fcape it ; yet they had rather venture on hell, then hear the danger. And as a fottil patient, they love that Phyfitian better that will cell them there is no danger, and let them die, then him that will tell them, your difeafe is dangerous ;you mull bleed G 3