61 Thegreat Power and Prevalency of feIfilbnefs dtfcavered. Ivlinifters do not remember how ill (hrift took the firfl contend. ings among bisealciples, who fhould be the greaten ; that they do nor imprint upon their minds the image of Chrift letting a child before them, and after girding himfelf, and warning their leer. I think thole men that make a Sacrament of this, do err much lefs then thole that forget it. And I fulled that our con- trariety to this example, will tempt Lome ere long into this con- trary extream, and it may be let up as a Sacrament indeed. 0 woful cafe I to be daily lamented by all thecompanionate mem- bers of the Church that the Learned, Zealous Paflors of it, are the leaders, fomencers,and continuers of her divisions and when they have opportunity to leek for healine,,they want a will ; an fo much offal' furvivet la in them, that though God call to them for Peace and Unity, and the bleeding Church is begging it of them on her knees ; yet fell bath fuch power over them, that God is not heard, and the Church cannot be regarded ; but Peace, and Piety, and all muff be facrificed to the Will and In- . tereft of/elf : As if they were the Priens of felf, and the honour of God, and Peace of theChurch were the daily facriace which they have to offer ! Nor a motion can be made for Reformation or Unity but form.. felfi,11 ivlinifters rife up to firangle under pretence of mending the terms. Nor a confultation can be held, butfelfcreeps in, yea openly appears,- and ravels the work, and will needs be the doer ofall chats done, or nothing mutt go on thats don infl it. 0&etre(' Nation, iffelf-denialwere more eminent and predo- minant therein ! 0 precious Minifiry, and Great, and Honou- rable, ifvve truly fought our honour in the habit of children, and by being the fervants of all fll 0 happy Churches, abound- ing in Holinels and Peace, if once the Pallor§ and People were better skilled in the pradice offeif-denial ! I mull confels,to the praife of Gods grace, many fuch MinifIers and people I have had the happinels to converfe with and how fweet the fruit bath been both to them and me, both they and I are ready to confers. But one feif-feeking, unrnortified Minifier, is enough to diflurb a whole fociety, and break the good endeavours of Tnalay And alas !owmany Inch are abroad, that talk of almoft nothing but their opinions, or parties, or carnal intcreffs.; and are