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66 To try our (elf-denial : the fixcerity of the leaf? degree. whereGods Intereft is the firongefl, there felclenial is fincere. Ifyou further ask me How this may be known ? Briefly thus. I. What is it that you Live for ? what is that Good which your mind is principally fet to obtain ? and what is that End which you p incipally deiig a and endeavour to obtain , and which you let your heart on, and lay out your h )pes upon ? Is it the Pleafing and glorifyingof God, and the everlafting fruiti- on of him ? Or is it the Pleafing of your fleAly mind, in the fru- ition of any inferiour thing Know this, and you may know whether Selfor God have the greatell interell in you. For that is your God, which you Love moil, and Neale be, and would do moil for. 2, Which do you let moil by ? theMeans of your Salvation, and of the Glory of God ; or the Means of providing for Self and Flefh ? Do you fet more byChrift and Holinefs, which are the way to God ; or by Riches, Honour, and Pleafures, which gratifie the flea' ? Know this, and you may know whether you have true Selfdenial ? 3. Ifyou are truly felf-denying, youare ordinarily Ruled by God , his Word and Spirit and not by Carnal Self. Which is the Rule and Mailer of your lives ? whole Word and and Will is it ordinarily that prevails ? When God draws, and felt draws, which do you follow in the tenor ofyour life ? Know this, and you may know whether you have true Self-denial. 4. Ifyou have true Self- denial, the drift ofyour lives is car- ried on in a fuccefsful oppoficion to Carnal Self, fo that you not only refufe to be ruled by it , and love it as your God, but you fight againft it , and tread it down as your enemy c So that you go armed againft Self in the courfe of your lives, and are driving againli Self in every duty ; and as others think, it then goes bell with them, when Self is higheit, and pleafed belt fo you will know that it then goech bell with you, when Self is towel?, and molt effeaually fubdued. 5. If you have true Self-denial, there is nothing in this world fo dear to you, but on deliberation you would leave it for God. He that bath any thing which he loveth fo well that he cannot (pare it for God, is a filfrfh and unfandified wretch. And therefore.God bath flill put men to it, in the trial of their fince- rity,