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68 In what refpeilfelfmuft be denyed. ---------- CH AP XII. In what refpra ftlf mail be denyed. II. A Nd here I befeech you take heed of Self in all there following refpeas 1. You muff Deny !elf as Oppofite is to God, and a Competitor with him, and the Idol of the foul and of the world; and this is in all the ten refpeds which I mentioned in the beginning, and therefore 111111 not now rehearfe. And this is the principal part of feif-de. 2. Self muft be denied as it is but conceived as npi rebrateat from God ; and would be an End in a divided fenfe from God. For our felves and all things elk are created contingent, de- pendent beings, and Emit not be once thought of as if we were either our own beginning, or end, or in any capacity, but fob- ' fervient unto God. Self becomes a Satan, when it would cart off its due fubordination to God, and would be any other then theworkmanfhip of God, depending on him, and ruled by him, and living to him, loving him, defiring him, and Peek- ing after him, and either mourning when we mifs him, or re- joycing when we find Communion with him. 3. Self mua be denied as it 'hinds up againfl the Truth of the Cjofpel, and blindly and proudly quarrelleth with that word which faith relyeth upon for Juflification and falvation. Carnalfilfis both the molt incompetent Judge of the word of God, and of fpiritual affiirs, and alfo the molt forward, and arrogant, and audacious , for all it is fo incompetent. And this is the damnable fountain of unbelief. ThatPelf is an incom- petent Judge of the word and waies of God, is evident : for Y. It is a natural enemy to them, and an enemy it no compent Judge, Rom. 8.7. Becaufe the Carnal mind is enmity aping God : for it is not fisbjed to theLaw of God, neither indeed can be.] Deny therefore this enemy the power of judging the word of God. ill-will never faith well. Enmity is credulous of all evil, and overlooks the good, and is accompanyed with filfe furmires, and wreileth every word, and fufpctieth or maketh an evil fence where there was none there is not a worfe expofiror in the-