Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Stipconceitedneff mufl be denied. ThoughChrift love not to find you in the duct of earthly-mind- ednefs, yet he loves to find you in the dull of humility. The Publican that hanged down the head, did hit the way better to the fight of God, then the felf-conceited Marilee. The molt le/J.-denying humiliation is the neereft way to heaven, and the molt felf-exaltingPride is the lure} and neerefl way to hell. I had rather fit withMary wafhing and wiping the feet of Chrift, then ask as the mother of lamer and yohn, to fir at (Thrifts right hand and left hand in his Kingdom. Mary was in a manner thanked for the Love dila. humility : and they were in a manner denied the requeft that fo little favoured of fe/freicnia/. Our Lord elsth not ufe to thank people for their fervice, and yet he did that which was next to it, to this humble, felf-denying, pe- nitent woman. He doth not ufe to deny his own Difciples an heavenly requeft : and yet he did that which was next to a de- nial, when [elf brought him the petition. He that bath taught us not to prefs to the highea room,left with (hamwe hear, [Sit lower] doth hereby tell us what we mull expea from himfelf : And he that bath bid us fit downat the lower end, that we may hear [Friendfit sip higher] doth exprefs his purpofe for humble, fell-denying fouls. I had rather from thedult hear his [Come rep higher] then from feltexaltation to hear [Come down lower.] 0 you that are proud, felf-conceited wretches, did you but knowwhat good it doth an humble foul, to feel Chrift take him up from theduft,you would loon fall down that you might tafle their comforts in his lifting up. Owhat a bleffed feeling it is, to feel ones felfin the arms of Chrift ! Our common compaffion that makes us run to take up one that fals before us, is a (park of that compaflion in Chrift : who meddles with him that walks be- fore us ? but a man that fals down in a fwoon,- we are all ready to lay hands on ! 0 happy fall, that makes us feel the arms of Chrift ! Though the fall into fin be never the better, that oc- cafioneth it, yet the fall into Humiliation is the better, that pre- pareth for it. He that in his agony had an Angel to minifier to him, will not leave the Pelf-denying, humble foul, without his Angel, or forne way of relief that is futable to the neceffity. Chrift himfelf will not communicate himfelf to the proud sod Jr:If-conceited. He is wifdom, but not to them that are wife in M z their