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86 Self-eoncettednefs muft be denied. tale heed of this part of fe/fihnert and mortifie it. It will elle keep out God, and aimed all that is good. If you are proud andfelf-conceited, you will hear a Minifter rather to cavil with him, then to be edified : and when any thing from God doth trot's your foolifh wifdom, you will but flight it, or makes left at it : And if any truth of God do ftrike at the heart of your felfilh intereft, you will but fret at it, and fecretly hate it, and perhaps, as the Devils open fouldiers, publikely reproach it and as the Jews did againft Stephen, Att, 7. even gnafh the teeth at the preacher, or as they did by Paul, Nft.22.22. [They gave him audience to that word ( even that word that made againft themfelves) and then lift up their voices, and Paid, Away with fuch a fellow from the earth ; forit is not fit that he fhould live ] This entertainment we fill meet with fromour bearers, when felf bath brought them the next flep to hell. 0 Sirs, furped yourown underflandings Think not of them beyond the proportionof your attainments : Nor beyond your experience, and the helps, and time, and opportunities which you have had for knowledge, nor beyond the meafure of your diligence for the improvingof thefe. For thefe are Gods ordi- nary way of giving in a ripenefs in knowledge. Read and fludy lieb.5.1 2 ,14. I 77M.3 .6. Set not up your own conceits too boldly againft thofe of longer Handing and diligence in holy fludies, much lefs againhi your Teachers, and much lefs againfi a multitudeof Minifters ; and much let's againft all the Church of God ; and leaf of all againft God himfelf, as fpeaking to you by theholy Scriptures. 0 take warning by the fwarms of heretics and fcandals that have been caufed by felf-conceitedneft and pride. objeti. If you may think your felf wifer then me and others without felf-conceitednefs, why maynot I think my felf wifer then you and fuch others without fell conceitedneft ? Anfw, I may not do it in the cafes before mentioned. I may not think my felf to be what I am not, nor exalt my felf above them that are wifer then I,nor againft my Guides,or the Church ofGod. Objee.But it is butyour conceit that youare wife enough to be a Teacher ,or Triter then others,anel whymay not La well conceit it ? Ally, Noman onhis own Conceits muff become a Teacher ; but