Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Self-will to be denied. fations, that fetstbetn upon all they do. Nay doubtlth, in the very duties of Religion, in praying, bearing, reading and the like, they arebut titling fell, while they take on them to ferve God ; and their holieft devotions is but filch a ferving of God, as flatterers will ferve their Prince or Landlord, meerly that he may do them a good turn, and may ferve their Ends, and be fer- viceable to them ; orelfe as force Indigns ferve the Deyil, for fear ofhim left he fhould do them a mifchief. The will that is moved-chiefly byfelfinterefl, is a felf will. 4.And much more is it Pelf-willednefs,when men contradict the Will ofGod : whenScripture faith One thing, and they another : when they difrelith Gods Laws, and diflike the work that he fete them on ; when they have a Will to that which God for- bids , and would fainbe doing with unlawful things ; yea and it doth not fatisfie their corrupt defires to fee that the expires, will ofGod is againft them ; this isfelfwillin a highdegree. 5. So alfo when mens wih are to that which is againa the honour and interefi of God ; which would hinder his Gofpel, and the laving ofmens fouts,and is difpleafing tohirn,this is felf- wilhdoefs in a high degree. And thus you fee what it is tobe felf-willeel. And nowdo . but confider whether this part of felt be commonly denied in the world. Among the millions of defires that are in rnens hearts, how few of t hem arekindled by the commands of God, or movedby his Intereff and Glory? How commonly are the word andWayes ofGod dillaftful to the world ? How ill do, men likeithe difpofals ofhis providence ? And what a ftriving is there in their wits againft him ? And were it not that God is above them and unconquerable, and they know that ftriving will not help them , you fhould have molt of tile world in open war againft theGod ofHeaven : I fpeak, no more then I am able to prove., The Dominionoffelf is fio great in the wits of all that are unfanftified, that their ails areutterly againft the Will of God ; and its meerly, becaufe there's no remedy , that they fubmit to him fo far as they do. Thofe very perfons that think they love and ferve him as well as the precifeft, would be in arms againft him before to morrow, andpull God out of Hea- en ifit werein their power.z.Or if they had but as much hope