Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

94 Self-will to be denied. glory. To obey his Will, is to pleafe his Will ; And to pleat-a him, is our very end. It cannot go ill with them that pleafe the Lord and Judgeof all the world, the difpenfer of all Rewards and Punilhments. 7. Your own wilt are In mutable as well as mifguided, that they will bewilder you and tofs you up and down in perpetual difquietnefs ; though I know you think that it is the only way to your content, and nothing will content you unlefs you have your zpiY. But you are lamentably deluded ; your wilt are like the will of a man in a fever, that would fain have cold water, which pleafeth him in the drinking, but afterwards may be his death. You love that which hurteth you ; yea that which is no better then poyfon to your Seuh. You would loon undo your felves, if you had your own wilt. It is none of the leafs ofGods mercies to you'to crofs your was, and to deny you that which you have a mind to. You will not let your children eat or drink what theywill, but what yam will,that know better whats good for them. Apatient can deny his ownwill for his health, and fubmit himfelfto the will of his Phyfician. And fbould not youmuch more fubmit to God ? yea you fhould defire him to deny your ownwils, when ever he feeth them contrary to his Will, and to your own good : Had youbut the skill of judging aright of Gods dealings, I am perfwaded that upon the review ofyour lives, you would find, that God bath (hewed you more mercy in the croffing ofyour wils, then in accomplifhing them. Be not therefore too eager for the time to come, to have what you Love, till you are furer that you LOW nothing but that which is good for you, and which you fhotild love. The pre Pent contenting of difcafedfelf will, is but the breedingofafter.. difquietnefs. But in theWill of God you may have full and durable content. For his will is always for Good, and there- fore bath nothing that fhould caufe your difcontent. His Will is dill the fame and unchangeable ; and therefore will not dif- quiet you by mutations. He knows the end at the beginning, and lets you upon nothing but what he is fare will comfort you at the !aft. It belongeth to his will and not to yours to di- fpofe ofyou & all youraffairs. And therefore there is all the rea- fon in the world,that Gods Will fhould be let up,and in it you fhould