Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Wanton difcourfe,fongs,to be denied. 115 CHAP. X X. Wanton difcourfe, longs, tobe deneyd. ANother part of felf.interefi or fenfuality to be denyed, is, the iife of wanton filthy difconofe, and of wanton book!, and fangs and ballads, commonly called Love fongi. As thefe arc the fruits of vain minds that do invent them, fodo they breed and feed the like vanity in others. Indeed they are the Devils Pfalms and Liturgy, in which he is ferved with mirth and jollity, by perfons of corrupt and fenfual minds. They that will not be at the pains to learn a Catechifm, will learn a wanton long or ballad, which one would think fhould be as hardly learnt. When we defire them to learnany thing that is neceffary to their falvation, they tell us that they are no Idol- iars, and they hove weak memories, and they cannot learn. But they can learn an idle tale, or a filthy fong, though they are no Ichollars, and though their memory be weak. Their weak memories are [hong enough to keep any thing that's naught; like a riddle that will not hold the corn, but it will hold the flaws and rubbifh ; or like a five that will not hold the milk, but it will hold thehairs and filth. And fo much greater is this fin then many others, becaufe it -is Rudyed for, and laboured for, and therefore is committed purpofely, refolvedly, and with delight, and not as fome other fins which men are tempted to by fudden pa ffions or furprifals ./ What abundance of children are let to fchool to the Devil, and mull bellowmany dayes and hours in learn'ng their leffons i and when they have learned them , he mull hear them fay them over, ufually more then once a day. AS they are at work in their (hops or fields, they are at it, either by wanton longs, or ribbald=filthy talk : yea they be not afhamed to fing them as they goabout the fireets Mark this, you that are the fervants of Chriil l will you ever- more be afhamed of your Mailer or of his holy fervice I will will you be afhamed to confers him in the open (freers, or to bc heardat Prayer,or reading,or tinging the Ptak of God in your Q 2. houfes 9