Minton difcourfe, fengs to bedemied. 117 Irifh man ; if Englifh, you'l conjecture he is an Englifhman And if you fpeak the language of harlots and brothelhoufes, what can we think but that you are fuch yourfelves, or at leaft are learning to be filch ? For thame do not fodifgrace your parents that breed you up, and the houfes that you live in ; what may folks think and fay, when theyhear you talk filthily, and tinging filthy fongs, will they not think that you have Adulterers or filthy perIons to your parents, that teach or fuller you to learn filch things ? and that they are bringing you up for their own profeilion ? will they not think that you live in whorehoures, and not in Chriftian families ? Donot for flume proclaim this fulpicion of your parents, or the families you dwell in, in the !tearing of the world, unlefs you think it an Loaour to be harlots. I t would make the ears of a model per- ion to glow on his head, to hear the ribbaldry that is ordinary in force proFhane families ; efpecially in many Inns andAle- !mules, where the quality of the company and the nature of the employment is fuch from whence no better can be expeeed. Let all that would beaccounted Chriftians, deny and abhorr this part of fenfuality in themfelves and theirs. Again confider the command of God [Rut forniration , And all uncleanneft, or Covetousnefs let it not once be namedamongli you , as becometh Saints neither filthinefs, nor foolilh talking, nor jelling, which are not convenient ; but rather giving of thanks: & 4.39, 30. ti Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which isgood to the safe of edifying, that it may min,:flo- grace unto the hearers ; andgrieve not the holy Prit of God. j Mark here, how fuch filthy tpeech is called [ Corrupt ] Communication, or rotten ; like Carrion in a ditch, which fhould caufe all that pafs by to flop their notes. And yet this is our peoples fport : what fay thefe wretches, may we not jeft and be merry.,when we mean no harm,without all this ado ? Have you no handler mirth then this ? nor no more cleanly jells then there ? will you feed upon that which is Carrion or corrupt, and make it your Junkets to delight yourrlat ? will you make merry with that which God condemneth, and threatneth to that you out of his Kingdom for, and makes the mark of the unfantaified and chargeth you n6t once to name it, that is, not 9.3 without