I28 Vain Sports and Pa f> tobe denied. my infl,ssEtton] then to fay, [11,nt it in reading Love-hooks, and? ale-books ,andrPlay. books] All thefe conitdered, I befeech you throw away thee pendent vanities, and take them not in your hands, nor tuffer them in the hands ofyour children, or in your houfes, but burn them as you woulddo a conjuring book, and as they did, Affir 19. z 9. that fo they may do no mifchief to any others. CHAP. XXIII. Vain Sports and Pailimes to be denied. 6. A Nether part of fleAly intereft to bedenied, is, vain fjiorts andpaftimes, and all so:need:1r, Recreations. For this alto is one of the harlots that the Rah is defiled with. Recreations are lawful and ufeful if thus qualified. t. If the matter ofthem be not forbidden : For there's no fporting with fin. 2. Ifwe have an holy Chriftian end in them, that is, to fit our bodies and minds for the fervice of God : and do not do it principally to&ale the flefh. Ifwithout diffembling our hearts can fay, I would not meddle with thin recreation; If 1 thought I could have my body and mind as well firengthened and fittedfor Gods fervice without it. 3. If we ufe not recreations without need, as to the Paid End f nor continue them longer then they are ufeful to that End ; and fo donor call away any ofour pre- cious time on them in vain. 4.1f they benot uncivil, exceffively cofily, cruel, or accompanied with the like unlawful accidents. 5. If they contain not more probable incentives to vice then to vertue a as toCovetoufnefs, Luft, Paftion,Prophannefs, &c. 6. If they are not like to be more imrtfid to the fouls of others that join with tes, then profitable to us. 7. If they be not like to do more hurt by offending any that are weak or diflke them, then good to us that ufe them. 8. If they be u fed feafonably, in a time that they hinder not greater duties. 9. If we do it not in company unfit for us to joyn with. io. Efpecially if we make a right choice ofRecreations,ancrwhen divers are before us, we take the, bell that which is leaft offenfive, leaft expenfive of time