rain Sports and Pa, imes tobe denied. 1 2 9 time and toll, and which bell furthereth the health of our bo- dies, with the fmalleft inconvenience. ihefe Rules being oblerved,Recreations are as lawful as fleep, or food, or Phyfick. But, alas, they are made another thing by the fencual, un- godly world. Sometime they mull fport themfelves with fin it tell, in the abufe of Gods Name, and Servants, and Creatures "Tipling and poophane Courfes are Tome mens chiefeil recreati- ons:And though the Law of the Land forbid moll of the'r fports, and the Law of God commandeth them to obey all the Laws of men that ate not againft the Law of God, yet this is a matter of nothing to their coofciences. And let the matter be never fo Yew. ful, they make all impious by a carnal end. Its none of their Intention to firengthen and fit themfelves for the fervice of God, and an holy, righteous life, by their recreations : but its meerly becaufe their fancv and fiefb is pleaftd in them Even as the Drunkard, Glutton, oi Whoremonger, that have no higher end then Pieliure,&,cap Ore you no better an account why they feed their Ina, butbecaufe they Love it, and its their delight : jull fo is it with fportfial youths and gallants. How few of ma- ny thoufands can you come to chat areat Cards,or Dice, or dan- cing, that can truly fay, they would not do any of this but for God, and co fit themfelves for his fervice Did you ever know fuch a one ? I believe in force better kind ofRecreations you may know forne filch; but fcarce in thefe Alas this fin is not of fo falai! a ftature as too many impenitent fouls imagine. Its one of the a)ing fins of the Land, andf believe one that brought down the vengeance ofthe, lace war upon us.: and yet it is not half cu- red after all The Gentry of. England that should havebeen educated in Learning and the fear of God,and been the examples of the people in temperance and holinefs, have been lamentably brutified and drowned in this with other parts of grofs) fen- fualit y ferious Prayer, and holy Conference, and In- ftru f their Families, Cards and Dice took up the time, and curling and fwearing were the common attendants of them : and their Children and Servants learned of them, and took the fame course. Thee beitowed more time in thefe, and in bunting, hawking, bowling, cocking, Stage-playes, and fuck like, then S they