Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

30 rain Sports and Pafiirnes to be denied. they did in the serious worfhipping of God ; yea then they did in the works of any lawful calling For indeed they lived as without a Calling , doing very little elfe but rife , and drefa tbern and complement thole about them, and drink ,and eat,and Co to their fports at home or abroad , and then to eating and drinking again , and fo to their vain difcourfes, and fo to their beds again : and this was the ordinary course of their lives : They fate down to eat and drink, and role Hp to play, Exod. 3 z. 6. z Cor. z o 7. In the fins of Sodom did they live , Pride, Minis of bread and idlenefs, Ezek. 16. 49. They trod the fleps ofbim that Chrift had told them, did cry in vain for a drop ofwater to cool his tongue, Luke 16.0. gallantly cloathed, and fared delicioufly every day (or fumptu- oufly.) Their whole life almoft was but a facritice to their flefh, to their belly, their fancies and their lufts : Till God broke in upon them in his wrath, and found them another employ- ment, and shortened their Bore and diminifhed their full eftates and brought them into contempt and trouble ; and yet how common is the fin to this day ? Ifs. 5. I r, la, I3. [Wo unto them that rife up early in the morning that they may fol- lowfirong drink, that continue till night, till wine inflame them ; and the Harp and the Viol, the Tabret and Pipe, and ilVine are in their feat's ; but they regardnot the work,of the Lord, nor confider the operation ofhis hands : therefore -j people are gone into capti- vity, becaufe they have no knowledge, and their honourable men are famished, and their multitude dried tip with thirfi : therefore Hell bath enlargedherfelf, and opened her mouth without meafisre, and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoyceth fhall defcend into it,] Amos 6. 1, 4, 5, 6. Woe to them that are at eafe in Zion,--- that firetch themrelves on their Couches, and eat the Lambs out of the flock, and the Calves on: ofthe flail, that chant to thefoundof the Viol, and invent to them- felves 4r:intents of meefick- that drink, wine in Bowls, and annoint themselves with thechiefoyntments : but they arenot grie- vedfor the affiitlionofJofeph.] The precious time that this fort ofmen lay out in their need- lefs fports and recreations, is more worth then all their Oates and if their fin had no other aggravation but this , I confefs should