TrainSports and Pa(times tobe denied. I 3 I fhould take it for a far greater fin then any that thieves are ufu. ally hanged for at the Gallows I what !for men that have re- ceived more from God then others, and are obliged more to !aim, and are capable of doing him more eminent fervice, for fuch as thefe to live like Epicures ! and when they are haftening w an endlefs life, towafte the mat, yea almofl all this precious time inFlefhpleafing fenfuality 1 I think it is one of the great- efl fins in the world 1 And no wonder that Chrifi made fuch choiceof fuch an one as thefe, to acquaint them who they are that {hall be damned, Luke i6. And if Converfion make not a wonderful change on them, they mutt look undoubtedly to fpeed as he ; and to have the fame account of the caufeof their mile- ry [Son ,remonber that thou in tby received', thy good things, and 1ikewife La zarus but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented] Luke 16. z 5 . NW Abundance ofthem bellowed more upon Hawks and Dogs, then would have maintained many poor families : And play for large fumms at Cards ,and Dice, and Cockings,and Hork-races. Covetcoufnefs, and luxury, and paffion, and fwearing, and cur- ling, were the virtues that their fports did exercife : and others mull be their companions in the fame impieties, that they perifh not alone. Unmerciful and oppreffing they are in their very fports, treading down the hedges and corn of poor men, in following their game, and never making them reparation for their lofs, but raging at them if they dobut complain. No fitter company for them, then the moil impious Swearers, and rib- bald filthy Speakers, and the like : whowas offended at it, they cared not ; but made it an additional part of their fport, to call a (corn at thofe that durft not and would not be as bad as they. And all this is, when they have variety of civil, cheap, inoffen- five recreations at hand, which migh better have fitted a Chrifti- ans end. And the youthful part ofthe vulgar, are, in their:degree, of the fame fpirit with thofeEpicures, and of the like pracaice, as far as their etlates and leifure will allow them. Witnefs the eager- nefs of the rabble in following after Wakes, and, Cock- fighrings, Dancing, Dice, and Cards, and fuch like exec- cifes. And more pleafure they have in thefe then in Prayer, or S z God('