Pain Sports and Pafitmes to be denied. Gods V'raties, or holy initrudions, or Conferences. As much as the moll fordid Whoremonger or Drunkard is enflaved in his proper flefh.pleafing fin fo much are our volup:uons youth and others addided to gaming, fports and paftirnes, and en- flayed to this flefh-pleafing fin of theirs. MI poor people ! Doth time run on fo fall, and are you hailing to the dreadful bar ofGod : anddo you want pailime ? Is your work fo great, and your time fo fhort and utterly uncertain and yet mull you hunt about for paflime ? Muit it go with you in heaven or hell for ever as you fpend this Emily inch of time, and yet have you dayes or fpare for needlefs recreation ? 0 what a cur- fed thing is fin, that can fo bereave men of the ufe of rea- fon,in that one thing for which their reafon was given them I Yea wecan fcarce convince thefe poor deluded fouls, that they do amifs ; but they fay, [what harm U there in card' or dice, or hnnting, or bowling, orfnclo like recreation, f How fhall we live withers recreation? e"info. But is there no harm in needles flefh-pleating, and in the lofs ofprecious time, to men that are ready to Uep into eternity ? 0 that ever men fhould make Inch aqueftion ? Suppofe your recreations were the lawfullefl in the world, in their own nature ? Can there be a greater villany, then to fit your hearts on them, and make a God of them, and call away precioushours on them, in ufing them needlefly ? Re- creations are your phyfick, or your fawce; and therefore mull not become your food, nor made a meal of ? They are only as whetting to the mower, which mull never be ufed but when there's need : To fpend half the day in needlefs whetcing,deferves no wages. 0 did you know but your work and time, and what's before you, you would be better husbands ; and then -cou might fo contrive your bufinefs, as to lofe no time in recre- ation. For either your calling puts you on be labour of the mind, as Students, or of the body, as labouring men. If lludy be your calling, you need no exercise ofrecreation but for your bodies ; for variety of undies is the bell or fufficient for the mind : And two hours walking is bodily recreation enough in a day, for almoft any ftudent that is in a capacity to labour And ifyou be labouring men, or your calling lie in bodily motion, then you need no recreation for your bodies