aromasamousweamenrser Pain Company to be denied: bodies betides your Callings, but onlyfor your mind,: An you love God and his Word, whatbetter Recreation for your minds can you devife, then thinking of the Love of God in Civil% and meditatingon the Lawof God, Pfal. 2. and cal- ling upon him, and rejoycing in his praifes, and the Communion ofhis Saints ? IS not a day in his Courts, better then 4 thourand any where elle ? The Spirit ofGod by David laid fo, Pfeil. 84. 10. But alas it i> this unmortified fief/a, and tyrannizing fenfua- lity-that blindeth you, that you cannot fee the truth : or elfe all this would be as plain to you as the high way. CHAP XXIV. Vain Company to be denied. 7. A Nother fenfual vice tote denied, Is, A love to vsnfifri- 3.godly company. This is a fin that I think none but ut- terly gracelefs men are much carried' away with:For the Godly are all taught of God to love one another,' VC+. 9.and CO delight in the Saints as the moil excellent on Earth, P1,al. 16. 2, 3. and to take pleafnre in their communion :,'and to look'on the ungod- ly with a differencing belief, as fore-feeing their everlafling mi- fery, if they return not : fo that it is the ungodly that I have now to (peak to.Some fall in love with the company of good fel- lows, as they call them : and tome love the company ofharlots; and fome ofgamerters ; and molt of merrypleafant companions, and men that areof their own difpofition rand the love of fuch , company, tifeth them to the frequent committing of the fin. They would not go to gaming but for company : They would not go to the Alehoufe but for company : and when they are there, perhaps they will fwear, and drink, and mock at godli- nefs for company. But are you willing alto ro go to hell for company ? Is the company of thole fina-lers,' better then the company ofGod, and his favour ? wee it not 'better be that while with him in prayer, or about h's work ? If you love cip- ling fellow better then God, fpeakput, 'and fay fo plainly, and never