1 34 rainCompany tobe denied. never diffemble any more, nor lay that you love God above all, or that you are Chrifilans. Have you more delight in the Company of them that would entice to fin, then in the Compa- nyof the godly that would draw you from it ? This is a molt certain mark, that yet you a rz the children of the Devil, and in a flare ofdamnation. It is not potbble for a land ified child of God to do fo. See the defcription of the man that than be Paved in Pfa/. i y. verf. 4. [Inhis eyes a vile perfoie is contemned, tut be hononreth them that fear the Lord ] Birds of a feather will flock together. The company which you love, thews what courfes you love, and what you are. You delight in the compa- ny of thofe that Chrift will judge as his enemies : and how then will he judge of you ? you delight moll in the company ofthole notorious fools, that know not the plaineft and needfulleft things in all the world ? that knownot that God is better then the world, and holinefs then fin ; and know not the way of their own falvadon. Ifyou are content tohave the company of the ungodly for ever, you may take it here. But ifyou would not dwell in hell with them, do not go on in fin with them. 0 when you (hall fee thofe very men arrefled by death, and haled at the bar ofGod, and call into damnation, then you will have no mind of their company ? Then, 0 that you could but fay, that you were none of them. Like a man that is enticed by thieves to to joyn with them : but when the hue and cry overtakes them, and they are apprehended, how glad would he be then to be from among them ! I tell you (inners, if grace recover you, you (hall with in the forrow of your hearts that you had never ken the faces of thole men that enticed you to evil : but if grace donot recover you, you alai! with ten thoufand times in Hell that you had never ken their faces : but then your willies will be in vain. In the name ofGod bethink your (elves, whe- ther your companions canbear you out at laft,and Pave you from the wrath of God, and warrant sour Salvation ? Nay whether they can rave themfelves ; Alas you know they cannot : God faith, Ifjou live after the flefh, ye ihall die, Rom.8. 13 . and if thofe men fay (as theDevil toEve) youlhall not die , are they able think you to make it good ? What can they over- come the God of heaven ? 0 Sirs , away as you love your