Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Pleafing Accommodations,Buildings,Gardens, Horfe.r, &c. 13 5 your fouls, from fuch mad and miferable company as this, Cu AP. XXV. Pleafing Acconmodations,Boildings,Gardens orfe. , 8. ANother fenfual delight to be denied is `19 leafing accons- modationf in Buildings,Roomi ,VValks,Gardenr, Growth, cattle, andfuck like. Its lawful to be thus accommodated, and lawful to deice and ufe fuch accommodations,with fuch cautions as I gave before about recreations. r . Ifyou do not with Ahab defire to be accommodated by that which is another mans, cove- ting your neighbours poffeflions, or unlawfully procuring it. 2. ifyoube not at too much coil upon fuch things, expending that upon them that fhould be laid out on greater and better things. 3. Buterpecially, if you defire filch accommodations for right ends, fincerely referring all to Gods honour, and defiring them not principally to pleafe your fancy and carnal mind, but for the enabling you the better and more cheerfully to ferve God. Nothingbut Godmay be loved for it felf. When the Pleafingof the &lb and fancy is the utmoll thing we lookat in anyof our delves, they are wicked and idolatrous. Our houfes therefore mull be fitted toNeceffary u fes, and not to inordinate delights. Our Gardens, Orchards, Walks, and fuch like, mull: be firfl faired to Neceffity , and then to fo much Delight as is ufeful to us for the promoting ofour holinefs but not to any ufelefs, tempting Delight. But worldling% and fenfual perfons will not be 'tied to thefe Chrillian Rules. Alas, its the furthell matter from their minds, to make Heaven the End ofall their earthly poffeffions and ac- commodations.They may hypocritically talk of God,and of(cr- ying him by their Oates : but really it is the pleating of a flefhly mind that is the thing which they intend. They have more de. light in their houfes,ec gardens,and lands,andcattle,then in God and the hopes of life everlaffing.They defire fair houfes that thxy may be thought to be no mean perfons in the world, and that they