The Epifile Dedicatory. truthofChriftianity. The world may fee in Clem. Writers exceptions againft my Treatife of Infidelity, what thin tranfparent Sophifrns, and filly Cavils , they ufe againft the Chriftian =Ie. When they have well anfwered, not only that Treatife,but Du Plefsis,Grotios, rives, Ficinus, c1lit-re:14u, and the antient Apologies of the Chriftian Writers of the Church , let them boaft then that they have confuted Chriftianity. The Devil hath told me long ago in his fecret temptations , as much againft the Chriftian Faith, as ever I yet read in any of our Apoftates : But God hath told me of much more chats for it, and enabled me to fee the folly of their Reafonings , ;hat think the myfteries of the Gofpel to be fooliffinefs. But if it be not as Minifters and Chriftians that we arehated ; what is it then ? If becaufe we are igno- rant) infufficient, negligent or fcandalous, why do they not by a legal tryal cart us out, and pat thofe in our places that are more able, diligent and godly , when we have provok't them to it, and beg'd it of them fo often as we have done e I? it be becaufe we are not Pdpigs, it is becaufe we cannot renounce all ourfenfes, our Reafon, the Scripture, the 'Unity, lodgement and Tradition of the far greateft part of the Univerfal Church If I have not already proved that Popety fighteth againft all thefe, and am not able to make it good againft any Jefuite on earth, let them go on to number me with Hereticks, and let themufe me as they do Inch when I am in their power. If we are hated be- caufe we are not of the opinions of thofe that hate us, it feems thole opinions are enemies to Charity ; and then we have little reafon to embrace them. And if thisbe it, weare under an unavoidable neceffity of be- ing