1111111011.11.17 136 Pleating Acorn atton, Buildings 'Gar dens, Iforf es &c. they may *ale their hutnours that' runafter creatures for feli- city and content. I would defire_ fuel) men to confider thefe thingb. 1. All thefe are but the baits of Satan to delight you and en:, tangle your defires, and hod you work in feeking after them, while you neobied far greater matters. >Can you have while to look fo much after Iuperfluiriesand delights in the world, when you have Neceffaries yet to look after for your fouls? Have you not greater things to mind then thefe, which thefe occulion you tonegled ? 2. Do you really find that they conduce to your main end, even to make you more holy, or more ferviceable to. God ? Nay do not your own Confciences tell you, that they hihder ycu & crofs thole ends?And yet will go againft your experience? 3 . Ifyou are humble confcionable Chriflians, you feel caufe enough already to lament, that your love toGod and delight in him,is no more: And yet are you preparing fnares for your fetals, to !teal 'away that little remnant of your affeChons,; which you- feemed to referve for God ? 4. If you have any fpark of Grace in you, you 'know that the flefb and the world are your dangerous enemies ; and you know that the way that the world cloth undo men, is by ticing them to over-value it , and over-love it ; and that, thole that love it moft, ate deepefl in a Elate olcondernnation; and the. lefs men love it, the lefs they are hurt or endangered by it. And do you not know that you are liker to over. love a fumpruous houfe with gardens, orchards, and ,fuch accomodations, then a mean habitation ? Why fhould you be fuch enemies to your own falvation, as to make temptations for your (elves ? Have you not temptations enough already ? Do you deal with thole you have fo well, and overcome them fo eafily and fo conflantly, as that you have reafon to defire more ? If Chrifi your General fendyou upon a hotter fervice, you may go on with courage, and expeet his help:But ifyou wil fo glory in your own Ilrength, as to run into the hotter battle, and call for more and ftronger enemies, its eafie to conjedure howwill you come off. Ifyou areChrifiians, know your (elves, you know that in the munefl flate,you are coo prone to over.love theworidond that under all Gods