Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Pleafing Accommodations,Buildings,Gardens3Horfes, &c. Gods medicinal afilidions, you cannot be fo weaned trom it, as you ought ! Are you not daily conftrained to groan and com- plain to God under the burden oftoo much Love of the world, and coo much delight in worldly things ? if this be not your cafe, I fee not how you can have any fincerity of laving grace. And if it be your cafe, will you be fo fottifh, and hypocritical, as to complain daily to God ofyour fin, and in the mean time to love and cherifh it ? to groan under your difeafe, and wilfully eat and drink that which you know doth increafe it ? What wilt you think ofa man that will pray to God to fave him from un. cleannefs, and yet will dwell nowherebut in a Brothel-houfe? What do you better, that mull needs have the world in the lovelieft garb, and mutt needs have houfe, and grounds, and all things in that plight., as are firma to entice the heart ; and then will complain to God, that you over-love the world, and love him too little. To your (hame you may fpeak it, when you do it fo wilfuly,and cherifh the fin which you thus complain of. If God call you into a flatc of fulnefs and temptations watch the more narrowly, over your affections, and your practices : and ufe no more of the creatures for your [elf if you have ten then- land pound a 'sear, then if you hrd but an hundred : but do not feek and long for temptations With not for danger, unlefs you were better able to pals through 4. Remember when your fancies defire fuch things, not only that it is an enemy that defireth them, and to pleafe your enemy is not fafe for you : but alfo that its the way that moll have pe- riffled by, to have the world before them in too pleating and lovely a condition. Remember Nebuchaeinezza,'scafe,Dan. 4. 3o. that for glorying in his pompous buildings, was turned as a mad man among the Beafls. Remember the rich mans fad ex- ample,Lnke 12.2o.& i6.and think whether it be fife to imitate them ? Ifmen mull perifh for loving the creature more then God, methinks you fhould long molt for that condition, in which the creature appeareth {call lovely, or is 'call likely to flea! your love fromGod, and in which you may love him mut enjoy him molt. 5. And bethink you how unfutable it is to your condition, to defire fumptuous buildings, & enticing accommodations toyeoffiu nr 137