138 Pleating Acconornodations,Buila'ings,Gardens,Horfes, &C. fiefh. Have you not taken Cod for your portion, and Heaven for your home? and areyou not firangers and pilgrims here ? and is notGod and everlaffing glory sufficient for you ? You profefs all this, ifyou profefs to be Chriffians ; and if you be not, you thould not profefs that you are. And what ! do you be- gin to repent ofyour choice ? mull you yet turn to the pomp andvanity ofthe world again ? and will you quit your hopes of God and glory? Ah poor fouls!what little need have you of fuch great matters on earth ? you have but a little to do with them ! and but a little while to flay with them t and will not a mean habitation, and fhorter accomodations ferve you for fo fnort a time ? Stay but a while, and your fouls fhall have houfe.room enough in heaven or hell, and a narrow grave of feven foot long will ferve your bodies till the refurreftion. And cannot you make fhift with an ordinary habitation, and with (mall and com- mon things till then ? Naked you came into the world, and na. ked you mull go out : make not then fo great a fir in dreffing, and undrefling, and feathering a neft ; that will be fo loon pulled down. 6. And it is a dangerous figs that your time on earth is fhort, when you have moll content in outward things. I have told you once in another Difcourfe (which I have fince leen more of) that people that much let their hearts upon any earth. ly thing, doufe to be fnatcht away by death jufl when they have attained it, before they can have the comfort of poffeffing it. juft when their houfes are built; juft when their debtsare paid,and their eflates cleared and fetled;jufl when they have fuch or filch a thingwhich they earneflly defirecl,then they are gone ; as the fool in Luke 12.20. This night fhal1 thy foul be required of thee : then whole fball thofe things be which thou heft pro- vided ? 7. And you dobut prepare for a double forrow, , when you snuff leave all there. Do you think that the more you love or de. light in any thing below, you will not be the locher to leave it 0 Donot think only of the prefent content, but ask your hearts ; fhall I be willinger to part with a fumptuous honk, and comma- d:ous'gardensoovalks and fields, then with a mean habitation, and krs pleafing things ? 0 how it tears the very heart of the world- ling,