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270 Q or in folitude and renouncing fccular apirs ? not fo : and efpecially with very fewMinifiers. So that a tingle or married lite is in it felf indifferent : but as a means to Gods fervice, that is a Duty fo one that is a fin to another but beeaufe that a fngle lite is more commonly free and fitteft for this great end,therefore theApoftle preferreth it as better, becaufe more fuitable to the itate of the mofi, (at kali in thofe times) though to lime, marriage May be a duty. So that every one fhouldimpartially enquire, in which {late they may do God the greater fervice, and that they ihould choofe not on Popifh ground , as if it were Commended to that particular perfon to whom it is not Commanded, and were an Evangelical cootnfel of perfefli(n, and to; be vowed ; but in a prudent ordering of our lives, applying the general rules of Scripture toour feveral eftates. And thus according to the command of (Ira' , He that can receive this laying , let him.] CHAP. LII I. Q. Or infolitude and renouncing fecular affairs ? Quell. 3 T17 Ilether Self-denialconfiji folitude,and avoiding fecoolar affairs ,af tradesmerchandife, labour, &C ? Anfw. 1. It is the flanding Rule of the Apoftle, of all that are able That ifany man will not work, neither Amid he eat] 2 Thefs. 3. io. and he cals thofe diferderly Iva' keys that work, toot at all, 2 Thef. 3. II. and requirethus to have NO company 117itbincb, commanding men, with quieonefo to work and eat their ownbread, ver. tz, 14. But yet there are feveral forts of Labour : fome labor with the body, which is ufually more pri- vate , as to the extent ( if not the intent) of the benefit and fo me labour with die mind, which is auallymore for pub- like good: as Princes, Judges, Magi.ftrates ofall forts, Lawyers, Phyficians, (Iv. Now men are to confider whe- ther by the Labour of the /1111104 or of the body they are like to be more ferviceable toGod, and which they ate fitteft for and cail@d