(:). or in renouncing ?alike offices and Honours ? 271 called to ; and that they ought to fet themfelves to, and that in true felf-dosid, and for God. To be Idle,is fo far frombeing a part offe/f-deniat, that it is a finful part of flefh-pleafing. And fo is it to choofe any calling or imployment principally for flefhly eafe and accommodation. The Apofiles were fome Fifhermen, and fomeofother callings, and none of them re- nounced worldly labour, or affairs, fave only fo far as they hindered them from the work of God, to which they (and all Minifters) were wholly to addift themfelves, as appears, I Tim. 4, I 5. z Tim. 2.4. To do therefore as many Monks do, to be employed in no calling for the publike good, 'under pretence ofbeing Religious for themfelves, is to be burdens to the Earth, andgrofs violators of the Laws of God. CH A P. L I V. 40. Or in renouncing Publike Offices andHonours ?' %en. 4.,rp71 lether Self-denialrequire men to renounce all pub- VP like office' ,and honoury, and not tobe Magifirwes, nifiers or the like ? Asfrr. It requireth us not to have fuch carnal thoughts of thefe offices, as to look on them only as places of honour,and power, and eafe nor yet to defire them I fuch carnal ends : Nor yet to thriti our felves upon themwithout a call, as being the Judgesof ourown fufficiencv. But felf-denial is fo far from forbidding the offices and irnployrnents themfelves, as that it is a great point of fell-denialfor a man that underhand-, eth them well, to undertake them , if he mean to manage them fincerely and faithfully. For were it not that the fweet- nefs of Gods intereft and his acceptance, and the benefits of the Church, our brethren and,our fouls, did ingratiate thefe offices and employments to an honeft mind, they would be fo very burdenfom , that flefh and blood would either make. them carnal byabufe, or never endure them. And therefore kart God given them an addition of honour to encourage thena,,