_ 272 Oat Or in renouncing Publike offices and Honours .P them, and to put an honour on their work, for the furthering of its luccefs. Experience certifieth me that the work of the Iiiiinifiry is far more troublefom to the flefh, then the bodi- ly labour of a poor artificer or plowman is : fo that without great felf-denial noman will be a Minifter, that dothnot car- nallymietake the funftion for another thing then indeed it is And! think! may fay the like in its degree, by the M4,_cifira- cy : Efpecially by them in higheft Power who have the greateft work. Certain T am, if they faithfully do their du- ties, theywill find moreburden to the flefh and mind, then poor men that have only a family to provide for. Though . many ignorant ungodly poor people that fit at home in peace, and little know the care and grief , and trouble of their Rulers do wickedly murmur at their very cal- ling, as if they had nothing nothing but honour, and idlenefs and excels yet if they had, tryed and tasted their care and trouble a few months, they would think a private life the eafier, and confefs that there is_needof much Pelf-denial for a man to accept of Magifiracy or MiniI ry, that under- ilandeth them, and refolveth to ufe them accordingly. Moreover, thefe Offices are of neceffity to theCOmmon good, and eftablifhed to that End by God himfelf. And the fitfh Commandment requires us to pay our Superiors their honour and obedience : And therefore to imagine that its any part of !elf denial to refufe the office of Magiltracy or Miniftry, is to make it (elf-denial to deftroy tie Church and Commonwealth, and be a cruel enemy to mankind, and to our Countrey, and to rebel againft the Powers that are or- dained of God , and thereby to receive damnation to our felvis, Rom. 13. 1,2, 3. Mb. I5.17. But yet thisimuft fay:that i fa worthyperfon Hand in com- petition with us, filf-denidrequireth us toprefer thembefore our ifelves, and to refufe honours and dignities, when the goodof the publikedoth not call us todeny our (elves more in the accepting them. CHAri