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QWhether it be 4 Denying our Relations ? 273 CHAP. L V. CZ.., Whether it be 4denying oar Relations Qleft. 5. TwNether Self-denial comfit? in denying ofNatural or w Controlled Relatietts, as of Father and (A/I-other to Sons and 'Daughters, of Brothers and Sifters, ilusbond and Wife, Alfier and Servant , Prince and People, Pallor and Flock? Anfw. You might as wifely imagine that felf-denial lieth in hating or denyingany of Gods Works, even theframe of na- ture:or in denying food and rayment to our bodies,or in deny- ingown lives fo as to cut our throats. For the fame LawofNa- ture that made me a man, and requireth me to preferve my life, did makeme a fon, and require me to love and honour my parents : And it is in the Decalogue, the firft commandment with promife, as the Apoftle calleth it, Ephef. 6. 2. It is fre- quently andexprefly commanded in Scripture, that children love, honour, obey their parents and terrible curfes are pro- flounced on the breakers of thefe Commands , Ephef. 6. 1. 4.. 5. 22., 25. Colof. 3. 20, 31, 22. & 4. I. Exod. 21 17. Levit. 20. g. Deuteron. 21. 18, 19. & 27.16. Proverb, 30.17. Mat. 15. 4. & 19. 19. And if children were not bound to parents , then parents fhould not be bound to educate children , and then they would be ex- pofed to mifery and perifh. One would think that there should never fuch a feel have rifen up, that fhould be worfe then the very brutes, who by the inflind of nature love their young ones, and their dams. But theSpirit foretold us, that which is come to pafs, that in theTaft and perilous times, there fhould be men that are difokedient to parents withont naturalof- Pion, 2Tim. 7. 3. And for controlled Relations, they are the exprefs inftitution of God, fo frequently owned by him in Scripture, and the duties of them fo frequently commanded, that I will not trouble,youwith the recital of the paffages. And as for the N n ' Adver-,