Q_. Is self-revengeandPenance Self-denial ? 277 or covet not that which is his to thy felf, andconfinenot thy loveand care to thyPelf 2. And. it comprehencieth this pofitive, and that as to the kind of Love, we fhould love both our felves and neighbours as means to God, and for the intereil of God ;- and in that refped there is an equality : we muff appreciative, or eftimatively love a better and more ferviceable man that harh, more. of Gods. Spirit in him, above our. felves : and an equal perfon equally with our felves, with this Rational Love, which intendeth all for God. 3. But Natural Love which is put into man for felf-prefervation will; be ftronger to fell' then to another, and alloweth _us cateris- paribus to preferr, and Rya, .preferve and provide for our felves. And.in this regard, our neighbour muff be loved but as afecendfelf; or next our felves. 4. But this Natural Love in the exercife of it, at leaft in imperate.ads, is to be fobfervient to our Rational, fpiri- tual Love, and to be overmailered by it And therefore it is that as. Reafon teacheth.an Heathen to preferr his Copintrty be fore his life, ,(though the initind ofNature incline us more to life), fo faith teacheth a Chriftian much more, to prefer Gods honour, and the Gofpel, Church; CommonNealth, and his neigh- &tint goodwhen it more conduceth.to thefe ends, then his own, before hirnfelf, his liberty or life. CHAP. ()yrsSelf-revenge and Penance Self-denial. Quell, 8. wyRether Self-denial require Wafterfin, to site vim-- diaive penance or punilhment of the fie/h, byfailing wateloiug, going bare-foot, lying hard, wearing hai-cloth, or to do this ordinarily.? fame of the Papi.,11 s, Monk!, ani Fry- ars do Anfw. Theeafinefs ofof this cafe may allow a brief decifi- on. 1. The Body muff be fo far afflifted,as is needful tohumble it; and fubdue it to the fpirit, and tames its rebellion,and fit it for the ferviceof God, .The exercife of a holy revengean N n 3 M ouri r ;,4 3.