Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

Q. 11 self - denial to be without Palsion CHAP. LIX. Qh Is Selfdenial tobe without Pafsion ? 0,deft. 9, Hetber Self-denial confift in the laying by of all Palen;, and bringing thefoul to an impailionate ferenity ? Anfw. The Stoicks and fome Behmenifis thinkfo : But fo cloth not God or any well informed man. For 1. God would not have made the Affeetions in vain : It is not the Paffions, but the diforder ofthem that is finful, or the fruit of fin. 2. We are commanded to exercife all the AffeClions or Paffions for God, andon other futable objeCts. We mull Love God with all the heart, and foul, and might, which is not without affali- on or or paffion. We mull Love his fervants, his Church, his Word, his wages : We mullfear him above them that can kill us : we mull hunger and thirft after his righteoufnefs, and pant after him as the Hart doth after the Water-brooks : We mull be angry and fin not. A .tea/ for God is the life of our Graces we muff always be zealous in a good matter ; fervent in Spirit, ferving the Lord. We mull hate evil, and furrowfor it, when we are guilty, and grieve under the lenfe of our mifcarriages, and Gods difpleafure. And all thefe (expreflycommanded in the Word) areholy Affeatons or Talons of the foul. 3. Yea it is the Work of the Holy Glioft to fanftifie all thefe, Pailions that they may be ufed for God ; and they are called by the names of the feveral graces 'theSpirit. And it is not Pafsion, but diforderedPafrion that mull be denied.. CNA