280. Howfir mutt we deny our eTvirReafin CHAP. I X. Qt. How far muff we deny our own Region? welt. to. Owfarinuftwe deny ofdt own Beacon Anfw.I. We mull not be unreafonable, nor live unreafonablj, nor believe unreafonably, nor love, or choofe, or let out any aifeCtion unreafonably. We are commanded to be ready togive a reafon of our hopes. It is our Rational faculty that proveth us men,and is effential to us : And without it we can neither underfland the things of God or man For how fhould weunderfland without an underftanding ? But yet Reafon muft thus far be denied.4 .We muff not think highlyer of our Reafon then it deferves either in it fell, or as compared to others. z. We muff noc fatisfie its curiofity in prying into unrevealed things. 3. Nor mutt we fatisfie or fuf- fer its prefumption, in judging our Brethren , or cenfuring awns heartsor wayes uncharitably. 4. Nor mutt we endure it to rife up againft the Word or wayes of God, or contra- diet or quarrel with Divine Revelations, though we cannot fee the particular Evidenceor Reafonof Each Truth, nor re- concile them togetherin our apprehenfions. we may not take any thing to be the Word of God without Reafon yet when we haveReafon to take it to be his Word , we muff believe andlubmit-mall that is in it, without any more Rea- .fon for our belief. For the formal Reafon of our belief, is, becaufe God i true that did reveal this Word ; And wehave the greaten Reafon in the world to believe all that he re- vole*,