Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

282 QMayGod be finally Lovedu our Felicity and Portion? muff have the fame affeciions : his thrtatning Wil l we muff/eve and fear ; his Rewarding Will we muff Lave and Rejoice in :His full Accepting will, that is, his Love and Complacency in us, we mull Reft and Delight our fouls in for ever. And thus we mutt comply with the Will of God. CHAP. L X I I. CZ May God be finally Loved ad our Felicity and Portion ? weft. t z. YO V tell us that we notefi leek our _ft lees but as Means to God : How then may we make our Jalva- aweour End; or defire the fruition of God when fruition isfor ourfelves, offomewbat that may make us happy ? Doth he not de- fireGod a,s a Means for hinefelf as the End, that defireth hire; as his Portion, Treetfure, Refeege,and Felicity :0 Anfro. There are fuch abundance of abitr fife Philofcfophical Controverfies de anima &fine that Band here in the way , that I mull onlydecide this briefly and imperfectly for vulgar capa- cities. Schoolmen and other Philofophers arenot fo much as agreed what afinal (ante is, But this much briefly may give fomedegree of fatisfadion to the Moderate. 1. No fleshly Profits, Pleafures, or Honours muff be made our End. This weare agreed on. 2.The Ultimate End of all the Saints, is an End that is fuitable to the Nature of Love: and that is, per- fealy toLove God, and Pleafe him, and ferve him, and to be perfealybelovedof him, and behold his glory. So that it is not an Endoffeyf-love, or Love of Concupi/cence, or for our Commodity only ; but it is the Endof the Love of friendlhip: Now all Love of friendfhipdoth take in bath the party Lovino.,, and the party beloved into the End: For the End is a perffa slots of both, according to their capacities. And it being In- tentio amantis, the End ofLove, bothGodandour [elves muff becomprehended in it, as the parties to be united and fo it is bothfor him , and for our [elves. 3. But