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May God be finally Loved ea our Felicity and ration ? 283 3 . But yet though both parties as united be comprized in the End, it is not equally, but with great inequality. For 7. God being Infinite Goodnefs it felf,muft appreciative in eflimation and affection, be preferredexceedingly before our laves fo that in defiring this bleffed Onion, we mull more defire it to P Imre and Praife him, and give him his due, for which he Created, Redeemed, and Glorifieth us, then to be our felves happy in him. 2. And God being not a meer friend, but our Abrams Lord of Infinite PowerandGlory, it mull be more inour Inten- tion to bring to him eternally , then to receive from him ; (though both mull be comprized c) For .Receiving isfor oar 'elves, further thenwe intend it for Returns but Returning is for God ' Not to add to his bleffednefr but to Pleale his will, andgive him his own 3 For he made all thingsfor bimfq: And fo that in union with hits we maygive him his own in fislleff love and Praife, and fervice, and thus pleafe him , mutt be the higheit part of our Intention, about our 0W.n felicity in enjoying km. So that you may fee, that Self-denial teachethno man toask, [Whether he could be content robedamnedfor Cbrill] ? For this is contrary to our propounded End, in the whole. For a donned rnan bath no union ofLove with God, and giveth him not his own inLove or Praifes. Obje6t. what fayyou then by the wilLes of Mofes and Paul ? Aafw. 1. The fayingof Moles is very plain, Exod. 3 2. 3 2. He cloth not defire that his foul might bemadea ranfom for Ifrae4 but that if Godwould not pardon them, but defiroy them and call them off, he would blot out Moles name from his book, that is, from among the number of the living fo that his lay- ing isno other then fuch as Mum or 7anas was [what goodwill my life do me, if Hive to fee thy people cafl of, and all thy wonders for them briryerd ? therefore either let them live in thy fight or kill me with them] This isthe plain meaningof Mofes requeft. c' And for Pauli', the difficulty is fomewhat greater : I. SOme think that Paul meaneth (Rom. 9. 3.) that he once wifhed himfelf to be noChriftian in the dayes of his ignorance, and all through his Zeal for the Jewifh Nation. But this is improba- ble. a. Some think that hemeaneth only, I could with to be given up to death for them , as the accurfed under theLaw. o z 3. Some