Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

VORMIPawm.. 2.24 Q. May Godbefinally Lovedas Our Felic-it y andPcrtion 3. ',ome think he meareth only, I could wifh my Pelf yet unconverted toChrifl,fo they were converted. 4. Some think, the meaning is, [ / could- with my felf caft out of theChurch, andgivenup to Satanfor any bodily filtering: 5. Some fay it is only to have his falvation deferred. 6. And fome that it is damnation for a time. But 7. The plain meaning feemeth to be this ; great' ie nay Love to my Countrymen the ?my, that if it were eficered to my choice whether they or Iwithout thermAculd enjoy Clorifi ; "would yield to be cafe out of hu fight for ever rather hen they vid], where mark; 1.That it is not a w tha A t it werefo : for he knew that this was no means topromote their falvation : but its a' difcovery of his affetlion that would with or choofe this if it were a means to that End. 2. And it is not the fin of not Loving Chrifi that he would choofe, but only the mifery- of be ng det prived of kir bleffeei refence. 3 . And the Reafons ofthis his - choice are thefe two conjunft ; r. Becaufe the foulsoffo-mar ny thoufands is in impartial Reafon more to be valued then the foul of one ; 2. And Principally becaufe by the converfion and falvation of a whole Nation God maybe, more .honoured: and ferved then by one: And note farther, a. That this is not fet as a mark for every Chriflian to try the truthof his Love by : 2: But yet no doubt but it is a duty and degree of Grace that every one fhould aim at. For 1. We fee among Heathens that nature it felf teach- eth them that a man fhould laydown his life-for his Countrey ; becaufe aCountrey is better then a man. Andproportionably; Reafon tels us that the falvation ofa Countrey being a greater good then of any one; it should be more preferred : And Self- - love goeth againit plain Reafon when it contradicieth this: What mans .Reafon doth not tell him that it were better he fhould die, then the worldfhould be defiroyed, or the Sun tnrned, into darknefs;yea or that oneChurch or Countrey.perifh. And fQ offalvation. 2, And it is agreeable to the. nature ofLove to defire- that moil that molt Pleafeth him whomweLove : and therefore to , dtfire.rather. that God. may havemultitudes then one, and be tiffed.and -Praifedby hem. So, muckabout the,-Matter of ,felf, dectigL. V.I.. I