motives : z Selflflynefs thegrand idolatry, ofthe world. 2 III. .IHave finithed the two firil things which I promifed you jj under the ufe of.Exhortation,.pi.t.the trialof yourfelf-de- nia/,and the particulars inwhich it confifteth,andmull: be exer- cifed; & there ..I have chewed you i .In what refpecis je/fmuff be. denied, 2. What that felfifhgeft is that mull be cienied,as to the inward Difpotition ;. and 3 Whatis that objedive felf-intereg that mull be denied, which confifieth in fo many Particulars that. I cannot undertake to enumerate all . but I have menti- oned twenty. Particulars under the, general head of of Plea- fare and ten under the general Head kionorer and have referred you to another Treatife for that which confifleth in worldly profit!. And now I come to the third part of my work, which is to thew you a little more, fully the. Greatnefs of the fin of felfilhneft, and give you thence fuch moving rea- Ions as_may conduce to the cure of. it : which are thefe that. tbllow, CHAP. LXIII. Naives : Safi:Pep thegrand idolatryofthe world. SEIfi,Znefs it the grand idolatry of the wo-Id, andfelf the world., Idol, as I have told you before.. It ufurpeth the Place of God .himself in mens Judgements, wills , affedlions and endeavours. It was the workof the ten Difcoveries in the Beginning of theBook to denaonftrate this:and therefore I shall fay but little more But Pelf-denial deftroyeth the worlds great. Idol, ancl giveth God his :own. again. The felfilb lean , molt to their own underflandings : but the felt- denying truft the Wifdom of God. The fe/fifh are careful principally for themfelves, and their.own felicity, even a terrene and carnal kind, of felicity : But the, Pelf- denying are principally careful how they mayPleafe and, Honour God , and promote the welfare.ofhis ,Church; and in this way attain the fpiritual Q ;o 3, ever-