Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

The fpifite Dedicatory. lick for their bodies, how fubmiffive are they e and how do they intreate'f and what thanks after will they return e But when we would help their fouls, what ca- vils, and quarrels, and unthankful obftinacy do we meet with e We muft be much beholden to them to accept our help, and all will not ferve turn. My Pati- ents that have bodily difeafes will pay me, if I would take it : But if by giving them twice as much as I re- ceive, I could fatisfie and further the cure of difeafed fouls, how joyful fhould I bee Andmuft we deny our !selves and all things in the world,for our peoples fakes, and after all be reproached as if we were a mercenary eneration, and fought our felves ! 0 how will God confound this ingratitude, when he comes to judge ? Something they might fay , if the Minifters of Eng- landhad the provilionof the French and other Popifh Clergy. ( I will not prefume to compare now our Cal- ing, fidelity and maintenance, with Magiftrates, Judges and men of other profeffions. ) Should I fuppofe the Magifiracy epitomized in you,and the Minifiery in me, I fhould give you an undue advantage : For I fuppore there are far more Minifters better then me,then there are Magiftrates better then you. And yet I think you would not judge of me, as the Minifters are judged of. As there are no fuch Commiffioners for ejection of fcandalous infufficient negligent Magiftrates, as are for the eje6tion of fuch Minifters, fo if there were,I fhould not doubt, but you would quickly fee which part were lyable to more exceptions. But when I look on the faithful Minifters round about me, ( how many of them could I name ! ) withwhom my confcience tells n- Le I am not worthy tobe compared in Holinefs, 1 2M then amazedat the ingratitude of the Apoftates of this age.