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Motives SeWooers' thegrand Idolatry of the world. 287 of mans obedience and difobedience. And therefore it is cal- led the Treeof Knowledge of good and evil : Or becaufe it gave man a power to ,Know his Own Nature ; which indeed to the perfeft is good, but to the infirm is evil ; and to them that are yet prone to concupifcence, as firong meats to the weak and thofe that need milk. For the Lord that treated us, would not have us careful and troubled about many things, nor to become Contrivers and Providers for our own lives intowhich it was that Adam fell. For when he had eaten, he knew that he was naked, and made himfelf an apron of fig- leaves to cover his nakednefs. But before,both Adam and Eve were naked and not affiamed. And God would have had us infenfible of (or not to fuller by) fuch things : For this is but an infenfibility or impaffibility. But we had One work only to do without vexation and care, which is the work of An- gels, unweariedly and continually to praife our Creator, and to delight in the contemplation of him, and to call all our care on him, as he taught us by the Prophet David, Paying Call thycare on the Lord, and he {hall nourifh thee ; and the Lord taught his own Difciples in the Gofpel, Take no care what you (hall eat, nor wherewithyou than be cloathed ; and again, Seek the firit the Kingdom of God and his Righteouf- nefs, and thefe things (hall be added toyou; and to 27/p thz Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things, but one thing is needful: Mary hath chofen the bell part wlikh fhall not' be taken from her; that is,to fit at his feet, and hear ;iris word; and this is the tree of Life -I So far atirnarre 4?, who you fee driveth at the fame fenfe, though:it be not 'clear- lyand fully expreil by him. And as man b3 his Fall,, defired to know what was good and evil for himfelf, that is, to his own Nature, for his daily provifion and fafety that he might be able to ch,7,o1e himfelf, and not truss himfelfwholly on the Provifionof C'od fo accordingly God in judgement bath given himover to Pelf according to his clefire, of which more anon. And accordingly our Reflauration from this lapfed flare, confifieth in retiring from our felves to God ; and givingup to himagain thofe minds, thofe thoughts, thole roils; thofe af-