-Fnensy to all Morality : Faith : Prayer : obedience. thepradice that it puts you on is againft your carnal felf and interefl. 2. And for Prayer, I might eafily fhew you, that felf con- tradideth all the parts ofit. You should firft Pray that the Name of God may be Hallowed, makinghis Glory the End of your defires : But felf muff be its Own End, and feek the Ho- nour ofits Own tame, and lefs regardeth the Hallowing of Gods, You multi pray that the ingdomof god may come : But this Kingdom treadech down felf as an enemy and therefore no marvel iffelf be unwillingofit. Would you be depofed, and fubjeded to a fpiritual government, and do nothing nor have nothingbut at the pleafure of ehrift ? The Reign of felf is contrary to his reign. Youmuft pray that the Will of God may be done. But felf bath a Will that is contrary to Gods Will ; and every carnal man would be a Lawgiver to himfeif, and unto others, and had rather have hisOm/ will done, then Gods. Orelfe whence come all the fins of your lives, which are nothing but the do- ing ofyour own wils, and the not doing the Will of God ! You muft pray each day foryour daily bread, as children that live not on their own provifion, but on their Fathers, love ,and bounty, and have their addrefs to him for all that they want, clearing but fuch fupplies as are neceffaryor ufeful to them for his fervice. But Self defireth more then daily bread, and de- fireth it not fo much to ftrengthen youfor Gods fervice, as to delight and gratifie the flefli ; and had rather have its flock in its own pofieffion, then daily to fetch it as youufe it from God. You muft Pray daily for theforgivenefe of your fins, as people that are grieved for them, and weary ofthem, and hate them), and are fenfible ofthe want and worth of pardon, and ofthe abundant Grace of Chrifl that purchafed it, and the preciouf- nefs of the Gofpel-protnifes that conveigh it,and of your own Unworthinefs by reafonof this fin. But Self is not eafily fo far abafed as to be heavy-laden and Fick of fin ; nor is it eafi- ly drawn, to valueGrace, or feel howmuch you are unworthy of it, or nod it ; nor eafily driven to renouucc all fufficiency P p and 2E9