Baxter - HP BV4647 .S4 B39 1660

2 90 Enemy to all Morality : Faith: Prayer : obedience. and conceits of a Righteoufnefs of your own, and wholly to goout of your felves to Chrift for life : Selfcannot fpare fin for it is its darling and play-fellow, its food, its recreation and its life. You mull daily pray to be faved from temptation, and delive- red fromEvil ; even the Evil of fin, as well as of punifhmen. But feIf lothLove the fin, and therefore cannot long to be delivered from it, and therefore Loveth the temptation that leadeth to it, and indeed is a continual tempter to it fell. Would theCovetous worldlingbe delivered from his worldli- nefs ? Would theAmbitious Proud perfon be delivered from his Pride or Honours? Or the fenfual perfon from his fenfual delights ? No, they do not Love the Preacher or people that are againft them in thefe ways : nor the holy felf-denial that is contrary to them ; nor the Scripture that condemned] them; nor indeed the Lord himfelft hat forbids them, and is the au- thor of all thefe Laws and holy ways which they abhorr. So that you fee how felf is an enemy to every Petition in the Lords Prayer. 3. And it is a violation of all the ten Commandments. The firft andfecond it is moll directly againft, and is thevery thing forbidden in them :and all the refit it is againft confequentially, and is the virtual breach of them, as difpofing and drawing the foul thereunto. The twoTables have two Great Commands, which are the fumof thewhole Law, and all the other Commandments are confequents or particulars from thefe. The fume of the firft Table is [Thou (halt Love theLord thy godwith all thyheart] or [above all This is thefirfi Commandment] Thoufhalt have none other Gods beforeme] which is put firit as being the Fundamen- tal Law, commanding jubjetlionit felfto theftverailn Power of God, Which neceffarilygoes before all a.11oal obedience to par- ticular precepts. But Pelf is directlyagainft this , and fets up man as a God to himfelf: And all the unfan&ified Love them- felves better then God, and therefore cannot Love him above And therefore neither fecond, third or fourth command can be fincerelykept by fuch : For whenfe/fis fet up ,and God