Enemy to all Morality : Faith : Prayer : obedience. 291 denied, in Read of the right worshipping of God, they are worshipping themfelves, or fuiting Gods worship to the con- ceit and will offslf. Initead of the Reverent ufeof his name, -they are letting up their own names, and will venture on the groffellabufe of Gods name, rather then felfshall fuller or be cruffed. And inPcead of hallowing the Lords day, they de- vote both that and every day to theinfelves. The Sumof thefecond Table is, Thom 'bait love thy neigh- bour as thy fell] and this is the meaning of the tenth Com- mandment, which forbiddeth us to covet any thing fromhim to our felves : that is, that we fet not up felf and its intereft againft our neighbour and his good ; andbe not like a bruifed or in- flamed part of the body, that draweth the blood or humors to it fell, or like a Wen or other Tumor, that is fucking from thebody for its own nutrition : fo that it is but plainly this [Be not felfifh, or drawing, or defiring any thing to thy (elf, which is not thy due, but belongeth to another : but let Love run by even proportions, between thyneighbour and thyfelf ' enorder to Godand thepublikegood.] And this Commandment brings up the rear, that it may fummarily comprehend and gather up all other - particulars that be not infianced in, in the foregoing Com- mandments. Now felfifhnefs being the very fin that is here forbidden, I need to fay no more to tell you that felf is the breaker of this Law. Next to this fummary concluding Precept, the greateft in the fecond Table (if not one of the firft) is the fifth Com- mandment ; which requireth the prefervation of Relations and Societies, and the duties of thofe Relations, efpecially of inferiors to fuperiors for the Honour of God and the Com- mon good. And this is let before the reit, becaufe the publike good is to be preferred to the perfonal good of any ;and Ma- glitrates and Superiors being Gods Officers, and for the Pub- like good, are to bepreferred before the fubjecis. But what an enemy felflAneff is to this Commandment, 1 intend anon to thew you diftinftly, and therefore now pafs it by, Ahd for the following Commandments, who ever murder- ed another but out of fome inordinate-refpeft to himfelf,either to remove that other out of the way of hisfeiffil Enk; or to be Pp z _ rc