2 92 Enemy to all Morality : 17.4itb : Prayer : Obedience. revengedion n h.u for depriving; , self of profit or tncur, fome t hi ng that it would have had, or in fame way or other too attain your Own Ends by anorhers blood ? And what is it but the fatisfaciion of ycur Own filthy lufis, that caufeth Adultery and,all uncleannefs ? And what is it but the furnifnirg.and providing for [elf that provoketh any man to Rob another ? And what it is but force fetfifh End that caufeth anyman to pervert Jufrice, or flander, or bear falfe witnefs againfl his neighbour ? fo that nothing is more plain then that felfifhnefs is all fin and villany againft God and man, comprized in one word. An,cl therefore you need not ask me, which Commandment it is that cloth forbid it : For it is forbidden in every one of the ten Commandments. The first condemneth felf as it is the Idol fet up, and Loved, trulled, and ferved before God : the fecond condemneth it as the Enemy of his worship ; and the third condemneth it as the Prophaner of his Name ; and the fourth, as the Prophaner of his Hallowed time : The kcorcl Table in she tenth Commandment condemned-I./elf as it isAhe Tumor and gulf that is contrary to the Love of our neighbour, and would draw all to it felf. The fifth Commandment con- demneth it as the Enemy of Authority and fcciety : the sixth as the Enemy to our Neighbors life ; the feventh, eighth, and ninth condemn it as the enemy to our neighbours chaftity , Elates, and Cattle, or Name. So that if you fee any mikhief done in Perfons, Families, Towns,Countries, Courts,Armies, or anywhere in the world, you need not fend out Hue and Cry to find out and apprehend the ad or : It isfeighneff that is the author of all. If the poor be oppreffed by the rich,and their lives made almoft like the life ofa labouringOxor Horfe, till the Cryof thee oppreffed reach o heaven, who is it ',that doth all this but fair? The Land- lords and rich men mit Rule and be ferved by them. I war- rant you they would not do thus-by themfelves. If the poor be difcontented and murmur at their condition, and {teal from otherS, who is it that is the cattle of this but felf. ? If anther were in poverty, they would not, murmur nor Real for him, It