Contrary to theStateof Holinefs and Happinefs. 295 of your lives are the fruits of your felAaneft ; Kill them at the heart and root,if you would go the nearell way to work.What abundance offitudoth felf-derual kill at once ? Indeed it is the fum of mortification. And therefore be lure that you deny your felves. C ia A P L xy. Contrary to the State of Holinels and Happinefe. 3. Oreover, Selfifhneff Ucontrary to the State of Holineft and Happinelt : contrary to everygrace, and contrary to the life of Glory. For it is the ufe of all grace to recover the 13111 from felfiAnefr to God : that God may beLoved and Self-love may be overcome : that God may be milled , and pleafed, and his fervice may be our care and bufinefs, when before our care was toPleafe our felves. And the very felicity of the foul confifteth in a doling and communion with God. The foul that will be happy, muff be confcious of felf-infafficiency, and mull go out of it felf, and leek after life in God ; It mutt forfake it felf, and apply it felf to him. Men lofe their labour till they deny themfelves,, by going to abroken empty ciftern, and forfaking the foun- tainof livingwaters. Thenearer men are to God, and the more fully they are conformed tohim, and clofe withhim, and know him, and love him, thehappyer they are. Glory it felf is but the nearell and fulleft intuition and fruition of God ; Andhe that bathmoft of him here in his foul, and in the crea- tures, providences, and ordinances, is the bappieft man on. Earth, and likeft to the glorified. And there is no approach to God but by departing from carnal felf. I know felf-feeking men do thinkof finding moil peace and comfort in that way but they are alway deceived of their hopes : It is felf-denial that is the way to peace and comfort. While we refit' on our felves, or are taken up with anxious caring for our felves, we: are but toff: up and down as on a ternpeftuous lea, and are feek- ing,