296 Contrary to the State ofHolinefs andHappiness. ing Reit but never find it : but when we retire from our felves to God, we are prefently at the harbour, and find that Peace which before we fought in vain. I confefs, in the too-little ex- perience that I have my felt of the way of peace and quiet to the foul 1 muff needs fay there is none to this : -1 here is none but this. Never can I 11ep cut, but (elf meetswith fomewhat that is vexatious and difpleafing to it : Thid bufinefs goes crofs, and that bufinefs is troublefome : this perfon is troublefom, and that perfon is abufive and injurious : One is falfe and treacherous, or flanderous ; and another is imprudent, and weak, and burdenfom : what between the baits of profpericy, and the troubles of aftliftion, the per- verfenefs of adveriaries, and the weaknefs of friends, and the changes that all States and perfons are liable to; the multi- tudes that would bepleafed and the labour and the cell that it will Rand us in to pleafe them, and the multitudes that will be difpleafed whenwe have doneour bell ; and the murmurings, reproaches , and falfe accufations that we fhall be fure of from the difpleafed ; and which is word of all the burden- fome weakneffes and corruptions of our own fouls, and the fins of our lives, and the daily vexation that our dark and and chattered condition doth occafion to our (elves ; I fay, be- tween all thefe difquietingperplexities,enough to rack and tear in pieces the heart of man, I have no way but to Ibu t up the eyes of fenfe, and forget all (elf-intereft, and withdraw from the creature, as if there nofilfor creature for it in the world, and to retire into God and fatisfie my foul with his Goodnefs and Alfufficiency, and faithfulnefs, and immutability. And in him is nothing to difquiet or difcontent, unlefs you will call his enmity to our own difeafes and unhappinefs a dikontent- jug thing. And this is not my own experience alone, but all that knowwhat ChrillianPeaceand Comfort is, do know that they lofe it, and are torn in pieces while they are caring and contriving for themfelves; and that Retiring into God, and caflingall their care on him , and fatisfying themfelves with him alone, though all the creatures should turn againft them, is the way to their content and quietnefs of mind. The Example of David is cuccding obfervable, I Sam, 3 ©. 6. when