Self-feekingirfelklofitog : denyixg ourfafety. Whenbetides the diftreffed eftate that he was before in, the City where he left his family and the familes of his follow- ers, was takenand burnt down, and their wives and children carried away, and all gone, fo that Davidand the people that were with him,lift top their voice and *or, antil they bad no more power to weep ; and tomake up his calamity, the Souldiers that were withhim talkt of {toning him becaufe of the lofs of their wives and children ; in this defolate condition, faith the Text [but David encouraged (or comforted) bilinfelfin the Lord bu God] And it is good for us fometime to have nothing in this world left us that will affordus comfort, that we may bedri- ven to God for it : Till the houfe be as on fire over our heads, and we are asit were fired out of every room of it, we will hardlybe gone, and betake our felves to God our only Reit. Try it Chriftians whenyou will, and you {hall find it true, that filth contents do but tice you to ftraggle away from your true comfort ; and when you have all done, it is in returning unto God that you muff find the comfort which you loft by Peeking it abroad. It is the only in the Godof Peace, that your fouls will find peace , and therefore away from leg and creatures, and retire in toGod. CHAP. L X V.I. SelfPeeking rs felllofing : felf-denyingnor piety. 4. a Oreover, confider that (cif-Jerking s felf-defiroyint, 1 V andPelf-denial ie the only way to our fafety. We were well when we were in the hands of God, and had no need to care for our felves. But we were loft as foon as we left him and turned to our felves. If God care for you, infinite wifdasiu cares for you ; whom no enemy is able to over-wit or circum- vent ; who can forefee all your dangers, and is acquainted with all the ways of your enemies, and with all that isneceffa- ry to your prefervation. But if you beat your owncare, you are at the care of fools, and fhortwitted people, that arc not 1 &cal