3c-© Self-faking isfell- lofing : felf denying Ayfafety. dm matter If of be fo, the Godwhomwe ferve if able to deliver wefrom theburning fieryfurnace, and be will deliver Ns one of thy hand 0 King: But if not, be it known unto thee 0 King that we will not ferve thy gob nor worfhip the golden Image which thou haft fee up] Care you for your Duty; and God will care for your fafety better then you can do : you are later under Gods care in themidft of a flaming fire, then under your own care in the greateft profperity, or honour in the world. While Abraham and Ifaac depended upon God,theywere fafe,though in the midft of dangers : but when they fell upon carnal shift- ing for themfelves, to fay their wives were their Sifters, they brought themfelves but into a fnare and double danger ; when you havecared, and contrived, and shifted for your felves as long as you can, its God that muff do the deed, and defend, and deliver you, and provide for you when all is done. Is it wife, or fafe, or profitable for your child to be callingfor pro- vifionofmeat, and drink, and clothes for it fell ? Cannot you do it better ? and is it not your work ? and had you not ra- ther your child would truft youwith it, and meddle with his own bufinefs, and becareful to pleafeyou, and then todepend on your care and love ? What goodwill it do a Pimple patient, toknow the ingredients of every medicine compounded for him., and given by his Phyfician ? or to detre to be acquaint- ed withhis Phyfick himfeif that fohe may be tampering with his ownbody, and have the doingof the bufinefs himfelf, till by his unskilfulnefs hehath undone himfelf,when he had a wife and faithful Phyfician that he might have nutted to ! 0 that men knew how ready a way it is to their undoing , when theymuff be fatisfiedof all theReafons of theways of God I and when they muff have their own wils and ways and muff fee a ground of fafety in thecreature I and mutt take that courfe thatfilftell them is the bell ! when they are refol- ved to look to their eftates, and honours, and lives, anddare not call themon the wifdom, andcare, and will of God ! 0 that men knew howPure and neer a way it is to their felicity, to be contented tobe Nothing that Godmay be all;and then they would be More in God then they could have been in them- ielves: and to be contented to Die, that they may Live in God,