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302 Selflihners the powerful Enemy of all ordinances. CHAP. LXVII. &Owls the powerful Enemy of all ordinances. 5. A Oreover it isfeltthat U the moll powerful refiner ofall IVA the Ordinance., of God ; and it ifftlf-denial that bowed; the foul to that holy compliance with them, w1:cbwonderfoilly fur- thereth their facceft. Were it not for this one prevailing enemy, what work would the Gofpel make in the world I 0with what confidence should we come into the Pulpit, and fpeak the word of God toour hearers, had we any to deal with ktit this _Carnal pip God canovercome it by his vitiorious grat ; but its foblind, fo wilful, fo near men, and fo confiant with them, that it will overcome us, and all that we can fay or do,till God fet in. When I come to convince -a firmer of his guilt, and thew him the hainous nature of his fin, becaufe it is his Owe, he will not be convinced of it : when I tell them of their mifery, they will not be convinced of it, becaufe it is their own. Were I to fpeak all this to another, and tell another of his fin and mife- ry, I might have thefe mens confent, fo it refle&ed not upon themfelves. Were I to wring the unlawful gains out of the hands of another, I might have their confent : or were I to perfwade another from his Pride or luft, or pallion, they would give me free leave , becaufe it is not Pelf that is concer- ned in it, norfelf-denial that is neceffary to it in them. But when we come to themfelves, there is no dealing with them, till Godby Grace or Judgement deal with them. They can- out endure to know the wort by themfelves : much lefs to come out of it. if we tell themof their fin and danger, they fay, we fpeak againft them And therefore they fay, It is out of malice, or humor or pride. And as well might all difeafed perfons fay foof their Phyficians, that when they tell them of their difeafe and danger, they fpeak againft them, and fpeak out of malice or ill will. It is natural for men to think well of all them that they love and ofall that .they do : and who do they love better then themfelves ? Pride will not let men think