Selfilbsefs the powerful Enemy ofall ordinances. 305 So thefe men fay by our preaching and by the word of God it felf, Be it never fo true, we are fure it is againft us : Or rather we will nor believe it, becaufe it is againft us] But if thefe men had their wits about them, they would fee that this is for them, which they think is againft them. It is for their heal- ing and faivation, had they hearts to entertain it, though it be for the troubling of them at the prefent by humiliation. 0 how tender are carnal perfons ofthis [elf! How quickly do they feet, if a Miniiter do but touch them 1 How impatiently do they fmarr, if he meddle with the galled place ; and plain- ly open their most difgraceful fins, and most dangerous courfes, as one that had rather be guiltyof difpleafing them, then of fluently permitting them to difpleafe God,and undo their fouls They fret:and fume at the Sermon , and go home with paflion in their hearts and reproaches in their mouths againft theMini- fters:And areofthe mind of the defperate Sodomites,Gen. 19.9. that faid to Lot when he exhorted them, [Stand back: This orefellow came intofojourn, andbe will needy be a ludge : now will we deal worfe with thee thenwith them j what, fay they , can he not preach and let me alone ? loath he none to rebuke before the con- gregation but me ! And thus will every ungodly perfon reject theWord as they are felfifh, and [elf mutt be let alone in all. But why mull you be let alone ? will yoube ever the fafer or better for that ! will God let you alone if we should let you alone ; No ; he will not be frightened from dealing with you as youare : whatever his word hash faid againft you, he will certainly make good, thoughyou should never more be told of it by Minifters. You have not filencedyour Judge,when you have filenced hisMelfengers. He will handle you in another manner then Minifters do. 0 how eafie is it to hear a_Preacher threatning the everlafting wrath, in comparifon of hearing the fentence of the Judge and feeling the execution ! If nos should yield toyour defines, and let you alone, God would neither let you nor us alone ; youwould but, go the quietlier to hell ; and your blood will be required alfo at our hands, Ez..ek 33. 6, 7, 8, 9. and then what wouldbecome both of us and you ? 0were it not for the Powerful resistance ofthis ft/Mose/7r, r what