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3o6 Selflihnefs the powerful Enemy of 41Ordinances:. what work would every Sermon make that we preach toyou 0 what abundance would be converted at a Sermon 1 for what should hinder it ? I fhould make no doubt of perfwading you all to clofewith the Lord upon his reafonable terms, and to become a holy and heavenly people , and prefently to for- fake your former fin, even this hour. Nay fome ordinances there are thatfilflAnffs hath almoft ihut out of the Church as aloft of the exercife of the ancient Difcipline, in open and perfonal admonitions, and publike confeffions and lamenlati- on of fin, with rejetlion of the impenitent, and the Abiolu- tion of the penitent : Befides moil of that private addrefs to paftors for their advice in cafe of fals, and fpiritual decays, or. weakneffes, and difficulties that meet them in doetrine or du ty. Self will not fuffer men to loop to moft of thefc 1What,, will they be brought to open confeffions and lamentations of fin, and to follow the guidance and perfwafions of a Priefl? no,all thePriefts in England than not make fuch fools ofthem fo wife are thefefelfifh men for a little while ! But how long will this hold 1 and how longwill madnefs go for wifdorn I when they are dying, then they will fend for the Miniller and con- fefs:and when fomeof them come to the Gallows,theywill con fefs : And every oneof them (hall coniefsat laft whether they will or no ; andGod will indite their confeffion for them, and open their shame to all the world in another manner then Mi- fillers required them to open it : But then Confefsion will do nothing for Remiftion, and the preventing of execution, as now it might have done. So alfo the duty of brotherly reproof and admonition ofof- fericiors, is almoll quite call out by felfiihnefs : and efpecially, the patient and thankful receivingof it.. And thofe ordinan- ces that are continued, are very much fruftrated by the oppo- fition of frOnefs. It is a very hard task that Scripture and good books, and preachers have to do ; whenwe fpeak every- word to enemies of the Dairine which we preach, andwe can do them no goodbut by their own confent : And who will: confent to that which he is an ennemy to ? Our work is to fub- due their flefh and Carnal wits to Chrift : and this fleth is fo, dear to them that it is themfelves : fo that they take dall that ocirine'