selfilknefs the powerful Enemy ofall ordinances. 307 dot:trine to be againft themwhich fhould fave them : And we have as many Enemies as unconverted hearers in our affem- blies : No wondee therefore if they carp, and quarrel, and ftrive, when the felf-denying humbly fubmit and obey. Self-denial openeth theheart toChrifi, and giveth the ordi- nances leave to work : Ittaketh down all oppofition and con- tradiftion ; fo that though the foul may itay to fearch the Scripture, and fee whether the things that are taught be fo, yet it fearcheth with a childlike teactiablenefs, and willingnefs to learn, and know, and obey. It bath no mind to quarrel with God ' how eafily will afelf-denyingman fubmit to thofe duties which another man abhorrs ? How eafily will he be perfwaded to forgive a wrong, to part with his right for a greater good to others, to let go a gainful Trade that is unlawful, or any sinful way of thriving : How eafily is he brought to ask for- givenefs of thofe that he hath wronged , to make a publike confeilion ofhis fins, ifthe greatnefs.of them, or his duty to God, or the good of others, do require it ; to make reftituti- on of all that he bath gottenwrongfully . to bear a plain and (harp reproof ; to part with his own for the relief of the poor ; to layout his eflate to the belt advantage of theCaufe and Church of God, and the common good ; to let goany unlawful vanity ; any excefs in meat, or drink, or fport, or sheep, or any vanity in apparel or other work of Pride : How eafily can he bear rebukes, and reproaches, and neglecis, and undervaluing or ingratitude from others ! But what a do fhall we have with carnal, unfantlifiedwretches to perfwade them to all or anyof this ? From them a Preacher bath fuch a work topull their beloved profitable fins (they feem profitable to them till the reckoning comes) as a man hath to pull the prey from the jaws of a hungry Wolf , or meat from the mouth of a greedy dog ; But when we require the felf-denying . todo the fame thing, it is but as to bid a child obey his father whom he loveth andhonouretb. The doing of thefe duties, and forfaking thefe fins, into an ungodly man as the parting with a right hand,or a right eye, or the skin from his back, or the flesh from his bones, as we fee by the rarity, and the un- fuceefsfulnefs of the plaineft reafons and great authority of R r 2 God 6111.11101Alwadura..--c.,